Friday 23 May 2008

Hollywood actors and studios clash over Internet clips

Hollywood actors and studios clash over Internet clips

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Acquiring Hollywood actors paid for their smallest performances -- television clips on the Cyberspace -- is formation up as one their biggest sticking points in stalemated contract negotiations with major studios.

Whether actors must give consent for snippets of their picture show and TV work to be displayed online, and how much they should garner for them, was the No. 1 disputed topic cited by the Screen Actors Gild afterwards labor talks broke kill last Tues.

Studios want to freely distribute YouTube-style clips of old TV shows and movies without quest actors' permission and pay them a apartment fee sooner than bargain on a price with each performer severally.

The actors' union stanchly opposes that move.

"What they're asking us to do is rub out 50 days of our customs duty and practice," Sag Prexy Alan Rosenberg said in a recent epoch question.

The argue is the latest instance of how the economics of traditional media are being upended by the growing popularity of video-sharing WWW sites like YouTube, and how audiences' tastes and habits ar existence transformed in the serve.

According to Net marketing research tauten comScore, 134 jillion Americans view online videos for each one calendar month, with YouTube alone attracting 80 one thousand thousand unique visitors monthly.

The majority of what they see consists of homemade footage and unauthorized clips of TV shows and movies, around of it blended into video "mash-ups" like the popular "Brokeback to the Future" parody trailer thrusting fun at the "Back to the Future tense" movies and the homophile cowboy love story "Brokeback Sight."