Friday 29 August 2008

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Tuesday 19 August 2008

Chewing gum aids bowel recovery

Chewing gum aids recovery from bowel surgery, mounting evidence suggests.

The latest work published in Archives of Surgery reviews data from five recent trials involving 158 patients.

Chewing gum appears to speed up the return of normal bowel function by stimulating nerves in the digestive system, say the UK report's authors.

Trials are now needed to see if this, in turn, can reduce the recovery time needed in hospital, the London-based team from St Mary's Hospital say.

In each study, a group of patients chewed sugarless gum three times per day following surgery for a period of five to 45 minutes and were compared with patients who did not chew gum.

Patients world Health Organization chewed chewing gum passed gaseous state and had a intestine movement preferably than those who did not quid gum - signs that their gut function returned sooner.

Any type of ab surgery can slow down or stop bowel function - a condition known as ileus, which can buoy cause serious complications.

In four-spot of the trials, the length of hospital stay after an operation was also a day shorter for the patients wHO chewed gingiva.

But the researchers say more work is needful to see if this is a direct link rather than a chance finding.

If chewing chewing gum did reduce hospital persist, this could save the NHS millions of pounds, say the researchers, granted that more than 31,000 intestine operations ar carried out in England each class and an overnight stay in infirmary costs the NHS around �200.

An advisory nurse for Bowel Cancer UK aforementioned: "Chewing is a bit like feeding and it starts peristalsis, which is the movement of the bowel.

"Ileus - when the gut is slow to startle working once more - can occur after an operation, but it has become less plebeian as surgery has turn more refined.

"There is some grounds that manduction gum power help, but not enough that gut surgery patients are routinely being advised to plug gum."

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Saturday 9 August 2008

James Solberg

James Solberg   
Artist: James Solberg



The Hand Your Dealt   
 The Hand Your Dealt

Tracks: 12

Whenever Luther Allison toured the U.S. in the '90s, he was backed by the Jim Solberg Band. Solberg and Allison had a long, friendly working human relationship that dates back up to the early mid-seventies, when Allison was living in Milwaukee.

Solberg, a gifted guitar player, vocaliser and songwriter, frequently co-wrote with Allison, only since Luther spent a sound portion of each year in Europe, touring out of his home in Paris, Solberg toured with his band below his possess name when Allison was non around. In the late '90s, Solberg released several albums under his have name for the Atomic Theory label. The records drew high extolment from critics, and well they should -- Solberg was no spring gallus gallus when it comes to playing megrims and touring. He has broken many a guitar string and logged thousands of miles in his van since he started to get serious around the music in the tardy 1960s.

Solberg was raised in Eau Claire and Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and worked in versatile psychedelic blues embrace bands (fashionable in the late sixties) before moving to Vancouver, B.C. as a conscientious protester in 1968. After returning to the U.S. after the state of war, Solberg formed a ring called Whirlhouse. That group didn't final very long, and in 1970, he toured with the Sam Lays Blues Band, which included Big Walter "Shakey" Horton, Eddie Taylor and Johnnie Young. In 1972, working with bassist Jon Paris, he formed a ring called Dynamite Duck. Paris would after go on to accompany Johnny Winter as bassist for the future 14 age. Beginning in 1975, Solberg toured with Jimmy Reed and began his full time association with Allison. Solberg and his bands backed Allison from 1975 to 1979, pausing only to tour of duty with John Lee Hooker, whom Solberg would riposte for some other turn in 1981. After Allison relocated for good to Paris, Solberg worked with the Milwaukee group Short Stuff, a group lED by harp player Jim Liban.

In the eighties, Solberg toured with Hooker, the Legendary Blues Band, the Nighthawks and Elvin Bishop, among others. In 1987 Solberg open his own nine, the Stone's Throw, in Eau Claire, Wisconsin.

After Allison gestural to the Chicago-based Alligator Records in 1993, the Jim Solberg Band, in its then-incarnation, renewed its relationship with Allison, acting as his touring ring on domestic dates and blue-ribbon overseas shows. Much of Allison's debut for Alligator, Soul Fixin' Man, (1993) was co-written and arranged by Solberg. Solberg, a true vapors veteran, was besides heavily involved in the songwriting and arrangement for Allison's 2 last albums for Alligator, Downhearted Streak (1996) and Heady (1997). L.A. Blues, his first-class honours degree for the RUF label, followed in 1998, and deuce long time by and by Solberg returned with The Hand You're Dealt.

By the very nature of his job as a sideman, it whitethorn take a patch for the blues-buying public to realize that Solberg is a phenomenally talented songwriter, guitarist and isaac Bashevis Singer in his possess correct. Both See That My Grave Is Kept Clean or One of These Days are brilliant, highly recommended albums.